I am going to begin updating our dr. visits/new info we receive about Landon Wyatt via this site. I have decided to journal our experience through a blog dedicated to our journey. I began last week and have made two posts - please feel free to stop by and take a peek. You will read how I came upon the idea of blogging our journey and hopefully gain an understanding of the feelings/emotions we are facing daily. I am working on a tab for those who don't know the back story and want to catch up. You may read these postings to get a full update since the initial news in December. This is my first attempt at blogging extensively and I have already learned so much and have found the experience to be a positive one so far.
PS - One more thing... be sure to enter your email address under the RSS feed so you can receive email updates when I do make an update. Also, click to follow my blog. These will automatically be sent to the email address you enter. If you have any questions about this, please let me know. I'll try to find an answer. I'm still learning.
Here is our update for today:
Many of you received my text today w/our cautiously optimistic good news. We met with the team of doctors this morning. There was a a lot of information given to us and lots of possible case scenarios, both, good and bad. We feel very informed and we are now in a better place having almost made it to the 30 week mark. The neonatologist was optimistic and gave us some hope for what we may expect when Landon arrives, but was also very realistic and practical. We also were given a tour of the NICU unit which was definitely the hardest part of the day.
Our perinatologist was adamant that it was too soon to do another ultrasound to check growth because it is not an accurate predictor in such a short gap of time. He stood by his 3 week time frame, however he did offer to do a quick one to check my fluid levels. The reason for this request on our part was because I have suddenly seemed to have gotten bigger and I have had the "pregnancy discomfort" all weekend, so I certainly thought he might have gotten bigger or my fluid increased. I knew something was different... I've been telling Patrick all weekend that I thought he moved and that I felt bigger, etc. Thankfully, the peri allowed us to check the fluid because it has increased to a surprising 8.4! This is still in a low range and more along the lines of someone in their 36/37th week, but it is FAR (possibly double/triple the amount) above the amount that I had previously. The other good news is that he is no longer breeched.
We won't know anything more until Monday and that will be a HUGE day in terms of determining growth that may or may not have taken place. It has been determined from the meeting today, though, that if growth stops or takes a further decline, this is when they will begin delivery preparations.
This is all we have for now... I'm glad that the news is more positive this week and hope that it continues for us.
Again, I can't thank you enough for your help and support. Will give you a new update next week.
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