Monday, January 24, 2011

The Big Day!

This day has felt like an eternity to get to.  After not having much sleep last night due to anticipation for what new news would come to us today, I made it to the dr. promptly this morning.  I got there so early, I had to wait in the parking lot.  So, in an attempt to calm my nerves, I think I called almost every person in my phone book, but go figure it was one of those days that no one seemed to be answering the phones.  I guess this is what happens when you call people in the middle of a Monday morning - they are working!

So, here are my results from todays appointment.  I consider it good news and bad news, but I am still carrying a strong sense of optimism since last Monday.  My fluid levels are now at an estimated 12!  The tech measured 11 and the perinatologist measured 13, so I'll go with about a medium of 12.  This is great news and I feel much better knowing that he's got room to move around which means that hopefully, lungs are developing more and we hopefully won't have any problems w/him having extremity restrictions, or umbilical cord compression (this was my biggest concern of all as it could lead to many serious complications).  So, I'm crossing fingers this fluid increase is a positive for us.  My dear husband, Patrick, is now a firm believer in the benefits of PowerAde!!!!  I've been drinking 32 oz. bottles of this and water pretty much non-stop for the past few weeks.  I've heard urban legends about the powers of PowerAde, but I might now be willing to do a commercial for them when this is all said and done!
So, for the the not so great news.  Landon is still far behind in growth.  He is measuring 25 weeks and 6 days and I am 30 weeks and 2 days, so if my math is correct (which could be questionable) this means he is now about 31 days behind in growth, so the gap has widened...not by a huge amount, but it has.  He weighs about 1 lb. 10 oz. so it is the weight they feel comfortable to deliver him, if necessary.  
The ultrasound tech scared did give me quite a scare while she was performing the ultrasound. As she was checking the heart beat and the doppler readings, she became really quiet. I had heard a heartbeat, so I knew that was ok at least, but was concerned the decelerations were appearing again.  She suddenly turned off the machine and said the dr. would be in soon.  As soon as the dr, entered, I asked about the heart and he said he was fine, no signs of distress at this point.  That was a relief!  I knew if they had seen that, things were going to move very fast and I don't think I was quite prepared for that.
I will start doing kick counts regularly which I told the dr. will be hard because he's not a big mover, but I just have to get 3 in one hour.  If I don't, I am go go to Labor and Delivery, ASAP.  He kept mentioning this, so I don't know if he saw something that made him concerned or was just trying to prepare me, but he's a pretty blunt dr. so I think he would have informed me.  His previous predictions were that as Landon gets bigger, the placenta has to provide more for the baby and if it is failing already, then it will/could eventually give out because he is too big.  So, I think his concern is that we are this far along and are very likely able to save Landon and the outcome could be good, so I have to really start monitoring closely in case the placenta were to eventually give out.
So, the plan for now is to see my regular OB tomorrow am to check blood pressure, etc.  Then I will begin going to Labor and Delivery 2 times a week to begin fetal monitoring. He said that if they notice anything, they will do an ultrasound to confirm their readings.  If there are any indications of problems, they will deliver.  This could include decrease movement, heart decelerations, etc.  This means, we can expect to have him deliver anytime in the next few weeks.  However, I'm scheduled for a new ultrasound in three weeks if Landon stays put - this would then put me at 33 weeks, just a few steps closer to my expected due date and that would obviously be the best case scenario.
So, here I am - waiting, waiting.  I am doing OK today - I don't feel overwhelmed with emotion today about today's news because it really wasn't much new news.  I am disappointed, however, because I really did think there was going to be something different. I felt like maybe the new position he was in would give us a more positive growth measurement.  However, I do feel good that I'm 30 weeks, that fluid levels are up and the next time I see the peri, I'll be 33 weeks.  I'm looking for the small blessings that have been given to us.
I have resolved to the fact that I'm likely going to go further along and deliver a very small baby OR I'll be delivering a premie.  In the end, I know that we are in a much better place than we were before - still holding on and hoping for Landon to arrive.  He may be small, but this boy has a BIG story and a BIG heart!  
Merrick is doing great - he actually is fascinated with my belly and gives it kisses and, well, sometimes he gives it a slap or two.  I've also taught him to say, "Grow, Baby Grow!"   We are talking about Landon a lot more now and I think he may be realizing that he's got a little brother on the way!
Again, I say this every time - I am so very thankful for each and every one of you and the support you are giving to my family!  
PS - about Suzy - I asked the drs. at our meeting last week and everyone in the room agreed that we would be able to have her as a nurse, provided she was there that day!  It never hurts to ask.


  1. I am happy to hear the good news and will keep prayers going for continued good news that Landon gets to grow more before you have to deliver. I'm hear to talk if you need :-). 310-502-1555

  2. I was anxiously waiting to hear.... Prayers are with you all always and as your niece and nephew say... Landon is going to be here soon to play with Merrick since they have each other.... Merrick will have him a brother too... Keep smiling love you

  3. What a blessing who would of thought powerade could work wonders! That is definitely good news! Keep up your strength and wonderful hope! God willing he will come out a healthy baby. And united with such a blessed family!

  4. Good news dear. Stay strong, I know that God has you and your LO in the palm of His hand. We are all praying for you. mwah!
